Sunday, October 5, 2008

Whatever, comes to mind....

So I made this blog so I could enter this contest, but I ended up missing the deadline, because procrastination's a bitch, and life had more important things for me to do at the time.  So I figured that I would try this "blog" idea (yes, I am a blog virgin ;) ) and see if it catches on.  Perhaps it wil grow on me, but we will see.  

About a couple months ago, when I heard Katy Perry's "I kissed a girl" for the first time, I rolled my eyes: HARD.  I immediately saw a cheap gimmick; a girl who was using 
promiscuity and lesbianism to sell a record.  For a while, I didn't like her, and I avoided listening to her at all costs.  But, the song is SO catchy, and with everybody singing it I just couldn't help myself.  I still hated her, but I loved the song.  I mean, it's catchy!!! And that brings me to last week.  I was chatting with my bf and he told me about a song of hers that he heard called "Hot and Cold".  I argued with him for about a half an hour about how I was not going to listen to her songs and so forth.  So a couple days went by, and the curiosity got the better of me.  A couple of clicks and YouTube searches later and there was "Hot and Cold" playing on my computer.  I LOVED IT! I then searched for more of her music, "Ur so Gay" and "One of the Boys" and they were all amazing songs! I even discovered that she had a blog on YouTube and now I love her music and can't get enough! She has amazing songs and her lyrics are funny.  And I have even come to peace with "I kissed a girl"... believe it or not. Not only is she a good artist, but no one can deny that she is sexy, I mean really.... But I digress, the next time I hear an artist and I judge them as being, some negative thing, I will think twice.  I have learned my lesson.  

With that said, I will leave you, with whatever comes to mind.