Friday, June 25, 2010

I have a blog? OH yeah!!!

So long time no post eh? Well guess what? IVE BEEN BUSY!!!

I got a job!

I've been doing summer courses!!!

I've been working on a new Youtube Channel with a couple of friends!!!

I've been playing super mario smash brothers!!!

Yeah okay that last one maybe I could have sacrificed a couple of mins to write something, but what do you think I'm doing right now?!?!?!

But listen up people, because that's not the most exciting news that I have to share. Maybe, JUST maybe, I may have met someone, and it may or may not affect my relationship status on facebook. And you know that shit is serious when I'm talkin' bout facebook! (Note: serious face -> :| )

So yeah, life's been busy, and I'm hoping to write more blogs and make more videos, but I'm just swamped with academic, work and social lives at the moment (and I don't even have to lie about it!!! :D)

SO PEACE OUT YO!!! *does awkward gangsta sign*

C-Dawg (aka Cheryl)