Thursday, February 11, 2010

Giving Up Facebook

I'm giving up Facebook for Lent. No facebook for 40 days.... THAT's exciting... I've decided to give it up because I feel like it is getting in the way of me doing things I should be doing. I spend way too much time on it, as well as other things on the internet. So I'm giving up Facebook, and I'm limiting my internet usage. I'm only allowed to visit each website ONCE per day. Like Youtube, I can only go check my updates once a day, and once I log off that's it for the day. The internet has become a huge problem in my life and its becoming the center of my daily activities. A normal hour on the computer goes like this:

Google Random Thing
Facebook about Random Thing

Well... you get my point. I feel like it is too much for me to be doing in my life and I need to spend that time doing other more productive things... and improving my relationships with the people around me. 

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


What does it mean to forgive someone?

That is the question that I'm facing with myself this week. In mass on sunday, the priest talked about a woman who was in a WW2 camp, and survived. Years later she was talking at her church about what had happened to her, and she saw one of the guards that ran the camp in the congregation. After the service he came up to her and apologized and begged for her forgiveness, and at first she didn't want to, but as she took his hand, she felt a wave of forgiveness come over her. Jesus teaches that we should forgive all who trespass us, and that we should be kind to our enemies and stuff like that. It's something that I've never really thought about before up until now and I'm really trying to focus on that in my life right now. I have lots of people who I have previously said that I would NEVER forgive. But now, I am really thinking that I should try really hard to do so. If that lady, who was in the concentration camp, can forgive someone who possibly tortured her, and someone who stood for something so evil, then I can forgive the people who did wrong be me. My issues and "enemies" are FAR less notorious than that, and I think that in order for me to move on as a person, and as a christian, I need to forgive those people. I WANT to forgive them. Mainly because I want people to forgive me for the things that I have done to them. Everybody deserves the chance to be forgiven. I have tried to burn a lot of my bridges and now I'm trying to build them again.