Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Top 10 Favorite Movies

So here we go: my 3rd blog about my top favourites. Now with movies, I re-watch them SO MUCH. Especially these following 10. Like my novels, I am going to post how many times I think that I've watched them. So, here we go:

10. Harry Potter (1-7)
So the deal is, I loved reading all the books, and the movies are PHENOMENAL! They pretty much cover everything that are in the books. I've watched the entire series about 5 times I'm pretty sure, and the first 3 at least 10 times.

9. My Fair Lady
I love Audrey Hepburn for many reasons, but this movie is incredible. I would say I've watched it about 5 times at least.

8. The Shrek Series
I find it hilarious and awesome. It makes me laugh. I've seen the first one over 5 times and the other 3 at least twice.
7. I am Sam
I love this movie, it makes me cry SO hard. I have watched this one at least 10 times.

6. The Princess Bride.
The first time I saw this movie was in Grade 9 Geography class. Yeah I know it makes no sense but hey, it ROCKED. I've watched it about at least 10 times.

5. Seven Pounds
This is one of my favorite Will Smith movies. I have been in a car accident myself but that's not why I love it. It makes me cry so much because it's someone giving up his life to forgive himself. Not that I think he did the right thing but God Bless his heart. I've watching it about 3 times.

4. Children of Men
This movie made me BAWL because I love thrillers like this. It shows someone breaking out of being kidnapped and breaking out into freedom. Our society thinks we all have freedom but we don't. We are under so many laws and rules which I believe are right, but still. We aren't totally free in many ways. I've seen this about 20 times now I swear.

3. The Color Purple
I love Whippi Goldberg. This was her first movie and I can see why she went so far after that. Again, makes me cry so much because of how much she cares for her children, and how she breaks out from being "kidnapped" and held captive. I just LOVE it, and I've seen it over 30 times now definitely.

2. Beauty and the Beast
This has been my favorite of all up until number 1 came out. Since I got it when I was 5 or so, I have called my self Belle from time to time. I even have a lot of belle cartoon posters, and I had at least 5 barbies of Belle when I was little too. I've at least seen this one 50 times, but I haven't counted so I'm not sure.

1. Finding Nemo
Yes. This may or may not be a surprise, but I fell in love with this movie. I don't know why, but for some reason I love movies about parents and their children so much. I have this entire movie memorized. I could actually say each line throughout the WHOLE time. I've seen it way over 100 times, because for the first year that I owned it I watched it at least once a week, and now it's at least once a month. I believe that I may have seen it 200 times. I just love it and I cannot go very long without watching it again.

So yes, that would be my top ten. It was very difficult, because I love most every movie I have seen, However I'm thinking about starting some Blog posts about my least favorite movies and such. We will see :P


Cheryl <3

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Top 8 Favorite Fiction Novels

So I have read a LOT of books throughout my lifetime. I am slightly addicted to reading and I re-read certain books over and over simply because I love them. The following books I have read more than once and will continue to read them again for the rest of my life (From my least to most favorite)

8. Lord of the Flies
by William Golding

Now, this book isn't exactly my favorite because of its quality. It's a good novel, however I read this is grade 9 and it wasn't long after that I decided that I was going to Major in English to become a teacher. I have such a passion towards this subject, and that would be why this book is up in my favourites.
Times that I have read it: 5

7. The Series of Unfortunate Events
by Lemony Snicket

I started reading these when they first started coming out, and I just love them. It isn't necessarily meant for people my age, but I grew up reading these. I love re-reading them because of the message that is portrayed throughout them. I have read them at least 10 times.

6. Dracula
by Bram Stoker

This one I've only read twice, and even though its in my favourites I don't exactly love it. I didn't read it till long after I saw a thousand vampire movies and shows, and it wasn't what I expected. However I prefer this story above all the other references to vampires.

5. Macbeth
by Shakespeare

Oh yeah. I love Shakespeare. I agree with the fact that he's difficult to read and hard to understand, but the messages that he conveys are incredible. I've only read it twice however.

4. Frankenstein
by Mary Shelley

I am currently reading this book at the moment for the 4th time. I read this in grade 11 with Macbeth and my final project for the class was to compare the two together in a presentation. It was my most favorite assignment.

3. Oryx and Crake
Margaret Atwood

This novel is one of the most creepy novels I've ever read. I love it.
I've read it about 5 times.

2. Life of Pie
Yan Martel

Now this one I read sometime in high school and I cried through most of the novel. I've read it about 10 times now I think.

1. The Shack
William P. Young

This book is my most favorite simply because it demonstrates such a religious movement that really inspired me. It is a man recovering from loosing his daughter is such a way that all of us would benefit from in many different ways. I have read it about 6 - 7 times, and I've owned it for less than a year.

So that sums up my top 8 favorite books that I have read my whole life. I find such an inspiration in each one of these books that make them so important to me. I own each and every one of them.

Friday, February 4, 2011


*twitch* *twitch*

Studying is fun!

What's that?

Fun is when you.... it's kinda... sorta lika.... hmm... what is fun? Well let me spell it for you!!!

F is for fire that burns through your whole brain
U is for ultimate... FAILS
N is for no successful...



*twitch* *twitch*

Monday, January 10, 2011

Top 15 Favorite Songs!!

So the plan was that I would only choose 10, but I just couldn't. For me to go through over 1700 songs, and pick 10, it killed me. I got it down to 30 or so, and then it was like impossible for me to choose. So I picked 15, so just 5 more is not terrible :P And they are in order from lowest (15) to highest (1).

Now, here's a couple things about my decisions: A) I know all the lyrics to EVERY. SINGLE. SONG. in this list. and B) I did not put 2 songs by the same singer in this. I only choose my favorite one by them even if they had 2 songs that were part of my favorites. I wanted to show a vague example of my favorites, and just know, that each singer I love most of their songs. So here we go:

15. FUN by Spongebob Squarepants

I know you are mostly like: "WTF?!?!?!" However, you see this was one of the songs that grew a friendship between me and Lisa. A very close friendship. So every time I hear it, it makes me think of her. I know, that really doesn't apply to you, but it makes it on my list.

14. BENNY LAVA by Kalluri Baanil (I believe)

This song just has an awesome beat and a kick ass tune so I just love dancing to it. I have no idea what it means but I love it.


Elvis is one of my favorites in the world. However, while I was going over where it stood on the 15 list, I was shocked that it wasn't in the top 5. If I had to choose my favorite singer it would be him though.

12. NUMB ENCORE by Jay Z ft. Linkin Park

I like the songs Numb and the song Encore. However, they are no where near my favorites. Usually when I listen to combined songs, I don't like them. They are okay, it just doesn't fit with me. When I heard this, it was like, they were MEANT to be a single song. The two of them together just bumped up into my favorites.

11. STRONGER by Kanye West

I really like the beat. The lyrics are okay, but I just love the melody and music that I just accepted the lyrics.

10. HOT AIR BALLOON by Owl City

I love this new band that has come out and I just love this song the most by them.


I love Frou Frou, but when I heard this song in Shrek it just hit me, I just felt the mood and emotion that went along with it, and I wish I felt that message in my heart. So I try, but don't succeed.

8. APPLE STORE LONG SONG by Ray William Johnson

The songs by him are cool, but THIS one, just hits my favorite store. I have switched over the Apple computers and Apple cell phones and Apple Mp3 players and Apple songs :D So hearing this song it was like it was just the best way to meet someone XD

7. TSUNAMI by Steriogram

A friend of mine years ago introduced this band to me, and this song was immediately my favorite by them. It has a deep meaning with me and I even used it for a project in Writers Craft.


Again, one of my favorite bands, but this song I just find hilarious but it has a serious statement that is put across which I love.

5. BLACK AND WHITE by Michael Jackson

That man is EPIC. That's all I have to say.

4. ELEANOR RIGBY by The Beatles

They are EPIC too and they will FOREVER be in my favorites, especially this song.


I know. Like, WHAT?!?! I liked this song, but because it was hard to memorize a certain chorus in the song, I listened to it so much to FORCE myself to just memorize it like the alphabet. And I did, and its just gonna stick with me.

2. THE MOTIONS by Matthew West

I find this song so good in many ways. The most significant reason is that is states a similar experience with faith, and I find that listening to it helps me focus more on my faith. But it has a great opinion towards life in my opinion.

1. EVERYTHING by Lifehouse

This song will NEVER leave being my NUMBER 1 favorite song there is. It doesn't matter whats going on. If I'm sad, I listen to it and it cheers me up. If I'm happy it just picks my mood up higher. I'm just in love with the song like, it feels like my soul mate as far as music goes.

So yeah, there are my favorite 15 songs that is out there. There are 2 actually that I unfortunately don't have in my itunes which I downloaded once I made this list. So I hope that you were at least partially interested in hearing about this but hey, this was good for me and lots of fun so you know!! WOOOOO!



PS Yupp. My nickname is FUMBLES..... XD

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

My Favorite Things

So I love pretty much every single genre of any kind of music. I love Rock, Pop, Hip Hop, Country, Soul, Classic, and I really love the music that came out decades before I was ever born. There is no genre I dislike.

The other day I was asked: "What is your favorite song by Elvis?"

And I just could not come up with an answer. And that's just when it hit me, I don't have favorites out in the open, to myself. I haven't chosen certain songs or certain singers to be in my favorites, because they are mostly all in my favorites.

I have decided, that I'm actually going to go through all the music in my itunes, which is a ton of music, and pick out 10 songs which are my total favorites. I have a total of 1766 songs on it, so I'm going to go through all of them, and pick only 10 to be my total favorites. The 10 I will NEVER grow tired or less fond of.

Its probably going to take me forever to do it, because I don't know if I can even narrow it down to 10, but I'm going to give it a shot, and share those by posting a list of them.

I think one of the great things for me to do right now as a new years resolution is to find my favorites in every single section: Books, Celebs, Internet websites, movies, etc. I'm going to try and pick out 10 for each one.

You ask if there is a point to this? I don't think so. It's something that has no meaning, I doubt if anyone will be entirely interested in hearing what my favorites are, however it will give me more perception on who I am, in my opinion. Which is a very decent point.