Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Top 8 Favorite Fiction Novels

So I have read a LOT of books throughout my lifetime. I am slightly addicted to reading and I re-read certain books over and over simply because I love them. The following books I have read more than once and will continue to read them again for the rest of my life (From my least to most favorite)

8. Lord of the Flies
by William Golding

Now, this book isn't exactly my favorite because of its quality. It's a good novel, however I read this is grade 9 and it wasn't long after that I decided that I was going to Major in English to become a teacher. I have such a passion towards this subject, and that would be why this book is up in my favourites.
Times that I have read it: 5

7. The Series of Unfortunate Events
by Lemony Snicket

I started reading these when they first started coming out, and I just love them. It isn't necessarily meant for people my age, but I grew up reading these. I love re-reading them because of the message that is portrayed throughout them. I have read them at least 10 times.

6. Dracula
by Bram Stoker

This one I've only read twice, and even though its in my favourites I don't exactly love it. I didn't read it till long after I saw a thousand vampire movies and shows, and it wasn't what I expected. However I prefer this story above all the other references to vampires.

5. Macbeth
by Shakespeare

Oh yeah. I love Shakespeare. I agree with the fact that he's difficult to read and hard to understand, but the messages that he conveys are incredible. I've only read it twice however.

4. Frankenstein
by Mary Shelley

I am currently reading this book at the moment for the 4th time. I read this in grade 11 with Macbeth and my final project for the class was to compare the two together in a presentation. It was my most favorite assignment.

3. Oryx and Crake
Margaret Atwood

This novel is one of the most creepy novels I've ever read. I love it.
I've read it about 5 times.

2. Life of Pie
Yan Martel

Now this one I read sometime in high school and I cried through most of the novel. I've read it about 10 times now I think.

1. The Shack
William P. Young

This book is my most favorite simply because it demonstrates such a religious movement that really inspired me. It is a man recovering from loosing his daughter is such a way that all of us would benefit from in many different ways. I have read it about 6 - 7 times, and I've owned it for less than a year.

So that sums up my top 8 favorite books that I have read my whole life. I find such an inspiration in each one of these books that make them so important to me. I own each and every one of them.

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