Wednesday, December 24, 2008

So here's a question....

So I'm having a pretty shitty day the other day but I'm trying to be cheerful you know, I really don't like putting negative energy out there in the world so I'm trying to keep a smile on my face. I'm in the bus station, waiting in the building when my bus pulls into the station. As I'm heading out the door this woman is walking towards the door and she's carrying a bunch of groceries and she wont be able to open the door for herself: at least not without great difficulty. For one second I think: I could run and catch that bus, or I could wait for her and hold the door open. I really didn't think it was an issue so I stopped and held open the door for her. She ROLLS HER EYES AT ME... and then walks through the door without a thank you. I couldn't believe it. I don't understand how people can be so rude? I was having a very bad day, and not because I was having a bad hair day either, like I was having a legitimately rotten day, and I was able to be polite? Why are people so rude to strangers?

When I got on the bus, I sat down near the front, which I don't normally do but the bus was pretty packed. This couple got on with a baby in a large stroller. I didn't think much of it but the guy who was sitting down in the very front, who was not exactly young and fit to stand up on the bus, gave up his seat so the mother could sit down and have more room for her baby. When he stood up and asked her "Would you like to sit down over here? You would have more room?" She replied: "Oh it doesn't matter" and didn't even say thank you! This guy performed an act of kindness that was so selfless, and she just brushed it off. Way to set an example for your kid. I don't care what kind of day you had, being ungrateful is not acceptable. I am so tired of people who go through life being rude and ungrateful and angry at people for no good reason. Especially when people do nice things for you. Its like they think that because they are never going to see you again it doesn't matter if they are rude to you. Well I'll have you know that the guy who gave up his seat would do it again, regardless of whether or not you appreciate it. That's because he didn't do it for the thanks, he did it because it was courteous and because he is a kind man. The world needs more people like him. 

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