Tuesday, January 12, 2010

New Years Resolutions 2010!!!!!

So yeah its already the 12th but it took me a while to think about them OKAY!!! 

1. I want to do much better this semester in school. I need to put more focus into it.

2. I want to try and be more organized with everything, my school work, my room, my schedule. I already went out and bought a day planner and I am keeping track of things so thumbs up for that.

3. Improve my grammar and spelling skills. I are English major who fail at these things.

4. Do really well with my new job. I have a huge opportunity with the company I'm with and I really want to take it. 

This one is the most important to me:

5. I want to be a better person. And I mean that in more ways than one. First of all, I want to be happier. A lot of the time I seem happy, and I'm just go with the flow of the group and I'm not really in a great mood. But I want to really make an effort to see the good side of things and focus on the positive in my life. I'm going to make a daily routine of writing down 10 good things that happened to me during the day before I go to bed so that I go to bed in a good mood and I am thinking about the positive things that happened that day.

Another thing I want to work on is being more outgoing. I am some what shy when I meet new people, and then when I get to know them I tend to get out of my shell and open up more. I really want to just be myself around everyone and be outgoing to people I am just meeting. Last night at the party I tried it out and I have to say that it worked out really well. I introduced myself to (hopefully) every person that was at the party and I was friendly and outgoing to every single one. And I was myself. I'm really proud of myself for that and today I am feeling really good about myself, and I'm feeling happier already :D.

Also, I want to stand up for myself more. This comes along with not being shy as well but I have let people walk over me and say things to me that I just let go and I've let people pick on me and I don't do anything about it. Well I'm not going to just let it happen anymore. I'm going to stand up for myself and not be pushed around. Now I know I have to pick my battles, and I'm not going to be getting upset over every little thing, I just want to be a stronger person who isn't going to take crap from people.

Which leads into my next point: I have always been a "follower", but never a leader. I really want to improve on my leadership skills and take more initiative on my own, rather than waiting for others to take the lead. I'm not so sure HOW to go about that as of yet but I'm going to figure it out.

Well thats about it I suppose, I guess those are my 5(or so) resolutions for this year. #5 is kind of a bunch rolled into one category but you get the gist.

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