Wednesday, March 31, 2010

My Summer Plans

Hey Blog followers!! Tomorrow is the last day of school for this semester! And you know what that means?

You are going to be posting more?

Heck no! That would be a miracle! It means that Cheryl is going to get busier!!!

Busier?!?!?! HOW?

Well, consider the following:
 - I am now doing summer school through to the end of June
 - I'm going to be applying for a second job on top of the one I have now
 - not to mention that I need to start working more at my first job
 - and I will be participating in as many activities as I possibly can at church and with the fam. 

So as you can see, I will be one busy Cheryl.

So I've revised a schedule of what my summer will consist of:

Monday - Friday I will have school from 9 to 12 in the morning. I will be going to church at 12 everyday, and then mondays, wednesdays and thursdays I will be working at my first job, then the rest of the week will be open to work about 24+ hours at my second job. 

But Cheryl, when will you have time for your intense social and dating life?

Silly imaginary reader of my blog that is asking me silly questions: I will be lonely. So lonely. 

Certain people who I am living with will be gone for the summer, and certain people of whom I've been seeing are busy too, and apparently don't have time for me and forget about me and stand me up (I'm not bitter I swear). But I have a couple loving people who will be in the Bay for parts of the summer and my cousins are coming to visit me in July once school is done. 

But on the plus side by the end of the summer I will most likely be able to afford the much needed CAR!!!! That will allow me to drive myself to and from various destinations. So all in all: my summer will be awesome!!!

Friday, March 26, 2010

My Day

I have no idea why I'm posting this... seeing as how I have NO time to do ANYTHING!!!

So here's the layout of my day:

Wake up: LATE!!! OMG!!!

Go to Church 

Go to the Landlord to pick up the keys

Go to the dollar store to pick up safety pins

Go to Kelsey's to get ready for the bowling thing later

Go to the bowling thingy till 6

RUN HOME and shower and change to go to stations of the cross for 7

Get home prolly around 8 or 9 and get changed to go out to the Pub

Get home God knows when and finish packing!!!

Get up tomorrow morning at 6 AM to start moving!!!

So that is the synopsis of my day. It doesn't seem like its that busy but its very daunting and I'm dreading tomorrow!!! At least I wont be drinking at the pub!!!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Brown Balloons

Have you ever seen a brown balloon? They are SO UGLY!!!!!!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Change of THE plan...

So all my life I've had a plan. Go to University, go to teacher's college, get a job, get married, have kids, then turn 25. Well guess what. That plan is gone down the drain. And for the last couple months, I've pretty much had no plan. I've just been going along doing what I've been doing, not really knowing where its going. 

And if you know me at all, you know that it was killing me on the inside. I hate not having a plan... especially since it was THE plan that I've had since I was 5 pretty much. 

But now I have a new plan. And part of the plan is: to not have a plan!

Well first of all, I have made a new career decision. I'm not going to be a teacher any more. I know I know, if you know me really well this is a BIG DEAL. But here's why: 

First of all, I don't know if I will actually ever get a job teaching. SO many people are going to school to be teachers now, and I really don't want to substitute for 5 or more years before I actually get a job. Because honestly, subs do nothing. Also, with my English degree there isn't really anything else out there that I would have a passion for, so I was at a loss of what I could do till I get a teaching job. 

So I found out about something that really interests me: Speech - Language Pathology, and Communicative Disorders Assistant. First, SLP is the field, and CODA is a job title under that field. A CODA is a 1 year post - grad certificate at Durham and Georgian College and basically what you do is coach young children who had speech impediments from disabilities or even for those you just have stutters and stuff like that. So I will still be teaching in a way, however in a different way. Also, I have a very good friend who has a very bad speech impediment, and since we've been friends I'm the only one who can understand her, and I always feel so bad for her and all the teasing and trouble that she went through. I really want to be able to help other children get through that and help them to communicate. 

As for the marriage thing, I've realized that I'm a strong, independent woman, and I don't need to get married so soon. I am somewhat looking forward to being on my own and making it on my own while I'm young and enjoying myself. That doesn't mean I'm not going to date, but it does mean that I'm not going to force it. It doesn't have to be a goal for me to get married by a certain date. Especially one that is so close, and me without a real potential spouse. 

So yupp thats the whole kit and kaboodle. I've changed my mind and thats that. I may change it again but that's okay. I'm not some character from a book that I can write out and live out to a tee. Things are going to change, and I'm okay with that. I'm going to just go with where I take myself.