Friday, March 26, 2010

My Day

I have no idea why I'm posting this... seeing as how I have NO time to do ANYTHING!!!

So here's the layout of my day:

Wake up: LATE!!! OMG!!!

Go to Church 

Go to the Landlord to pick up the keys

Go to the dollar store to pick up safety pins

Go to Kelsey's to get ready for the bowling thing later

Go to the bowling thingy till 6

RUN HOME and shower and change to go to stations of the cross for 7

Get home prolly around 8 or 9 and get changed to go out to the Pub

Get home God knows when and finish packing!!!

Get up tomorrow morning at 6 AM to start moving!!!

So that is the synopsis of my day. It doesn't seem like its that busy but its very daunting and I'm dreading tomorrow!!! At least I wont be drinking at the pub!!!

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