Wednesday, March 31, 2010

My Summer Plans

Hey Blog followers!! Tomorrow is the last day of school for this semester! And you know what that means?

You are going to be posting more?

Heck no! That would be a miracle! It means that Cheryl is going to get busier!!!

Busier?!?!?! HOW?

Well, consider the following:
 - I am now doing summer school through to the end of June
 - I'm going to be applying for a second job on top of the one I have now
 - not to mention that I need to start working more at my first job
 - and I will be participating in as many activities as I possibly can at church and with the fam. 

So as you can see, I will be one busy Cheryl.

So I've revised a schedule of what my summer will consist of:

Monday - Friday I will have school from 9 to 12 in the morning. I will be going to church at 12 everyday, and then mondays, wednesdays and thursdays I will be working at my first job, then the rest of the week will be open to work about 24+ hours at my second job. 

But Cheryl, when will you have time for your intense social and dating life?

Silly imaginary reader of my blog that is asking me silly questions: I will be lonely. So lonely. 

Certain people who I am living with will be gone for the summer, and certain people of whom I've been seeing are busy too, and apparently don't have time for me and forget about me and stand me up (I'm not bitter I swear). But I have a couple loving people who will be in the Bay for parts of the summer and my cousins are coming to visit me in July once school is done. 

But on the plus side by the end of the summer I will most likely be able to afford the much needed CAR!!!! That will allow me to drive myself to and from various destinations. So all in all: my summer will be awesome!!!

1 comment:

angelena.paglia said...

You can do it I believe in you! Also I will visit you when my family goes on our camping trip to river valley k?

also I'm not imaginary.
but then again I address my posts to the internet itself ^_^